
You can make a world of difference!

WorldWise, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We are in immediate need of contributions from corporate sponsors and individuals to achieve our goal of keeping qualified, creative educators on board, purchasing computer and communication equipment and services, and maintaining our interactive, educationally enriching website.

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Your tax-deductible contribution will help educate and inspire children around the world in many ways:

  • Enabling thousands of students to make connections with children in places they’ve only imagined or seen in books.
  • Providing a platform for children in remote areas to share their lives and experiences with the greater world community.
  • Giving students in schools with few or no resources the supplies and tools they need to express their creativity, nurture their talents, and become powerful parts of the world order.

Together, we can combine the beauty of sailing, the power of the Internet, and the excitement of world travel to help children develop a lifelong love of learning.

For more information, contact Kate Menser, Director, at [email protected] or at 774-487-0278.

To make a donation via snail-mail, send your check, payable to:
WorldWise, Inc.
PO Box 907
Harwich, MA 02645, USA

We also provide two means for donating on-line – see information at right.

WorldWise, Inc. offers two ways to donate on-line*:

About Network for Good

Network for Good is the Internet’s leading charitable resource — an e-philanthropy site where individuals can donate, volunteer and speak out on the issues they care about. The organization’s goal is to connect people to charities via the Internet — using the virtual world to deliver real resources to nonprofits and communities.

About PayPal

PayPal lets any business or consumer with an email address to securely, conveniently, and cost-effectively send and receive payments online. Our network builds on the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards to create a global, real-time payment solution.

* WorldWise is not registered in Florida and cannot receive donations from residents of that state. Any donations received from Florida residents will be returned